Monday, June 05, 2006

Analysis Services Resources (2074 Links)

It's been a long and busy time since I've last written here, however a few students last week motivated me to write up a post containing my favorites for the Analysis Services class.

One of the things that I'm going to strive for is to make at least one useful post per month, and hopefully many more depending on my time commitments. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, here are some of my favorite resources surrounding Analysis Services 2000, and some links to information about Analysis Services 2005:

Mosha Pasumansky is the Development lead for the Microsoft Analysis Services Engine. My original bookmarks list for this course is more than overshadowed by the plethora of resources available here:

The client tool that I have been most impressed with in a sense that it's free, and source code is readily available is the BI Portal (it used to be named BI Portal XP, and then they renamed it to Business Intelligence Portal Sample Application for Microsoft Office 2003. Anyway, you can download binaries from:

You can find the source code in this gotdotnet workspace, however it's locked, and you'll need to register for access:

Mosha's site really took the fire out of my original bookmarks list. I started going through my list, and realized that not only is everything that I had on there, but much more as well.

I hope these resources help all readers to get further with their analysis services knowledge.

Hope to post again very soon.
